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Contact Us

There are a number of ways in which you can contact the club. For general enquiries questions can be asked on our Facebook group, or by contacting a committee member by email or phone if you have a specific question to ask. 

Please see below for contact details of all committee members.


The committee meets most months to organise the many events that are held throughout the year. Meetings are held monthly, usually Mondays.



Committee Members:


Vice Chairperson: Sheila Rogerson Email Sheila or 07780904857

Team Manager, News and Membership Secretary


Treasurer: Julie Martin


Training Officer: Margaret Smith - 07905 692423


Child Welfare: Lynn proctor - 07714 342185 Email Lynn


Juniors Co-ordinator:  Margaret Smith - 07905 692423

Website Jeni Gilbert - Email Jeni


Committee members:

Lorraine Bingham, Jenny Blyth, Katie Carr, Bev Edwards, 

Sue Hobson-Hillyer Kate Longfield, Marie Worth

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