Ac​kworth & District Riding Club
Class 1 Pre Novice (50/60 cm) Horse not to have won an 80cm sj class.
Class 2 Novice (70 cm) Horse not to have won a 90cm sj class
Class 3 Intermediate (80 cm)
Class 4 Open (90cm)
A team consists of four riders. The riders in each team jump in succession. All teams jump 2 rounds. Best 3 scores in each round to count. If, after the second round there is a tie for FIRST place there will be a jump off against the clock - each team will nominate one rider to represent them.
Only teams placed 1st need to be mounted for prize giving. All other teams to be unmounted but correctly turned out.
Prizes - 1st Place £80.(Unless only 2 teams and then it will be £40 to first place) Chocolates to 3rd Place Rosettes to 6th Place
Entries close 22nd December or before if classes are full.
Times will be put on Facebook and ADRC website on 27th December.
Entries £68 per team
Entry via Horsevents - HERE
Times are intended as a guide and riders may be asked to go earlier in the event of withdrawals but every effort will be made to run on time.
Fancy Dress is optional and always welcome - get out those Christmas Jumpers!!
Hot and cold refreshments will be available through the day.